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Wealth Combination Bracelet

Wealth Combination Bracelet

Regular price Rs. 1,450.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 1,450.00
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Aatmann Wealth Combination Bracelet is a powerful tool for those seeking to manifest abundance and prosperity in their financial endeavours. Pyrite helps attract opportunities for success, Citrine promotes financial abundance and prosperity in all endeavours, and Red Garnet enhances courage, motivation, and perseverance to take action. Together, this bracelet amplifies your intentions and supports you on your journey towards prosperity.  

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Manifesting money, wealth, abundance, confidence, vitality, attracting prosperity, good opportunities, creativity, motivation, perseverance, grounding

Enhances practices such as meditation, manifestation, chanting, sound therapy, affirmations, crystal work, yoga, journaling & energy healing

  • Wear the bracelet during meditation to help facilitate spiritual connection and balance.
  • Wear daily to keep its healing energy close to you throughout the day
  • Place a crystal under your pillow or on your nightstand to promote restful sleep, vivid dreams, and spiritual protection during the night
  • Place in office or workplace for fostering deep focus, abundance and prosperous opportunities

Crystals may absorb and retain energy from their environment or previous users. It's recommended to regularly cleanse and charge them to maintain their effectiveness. 

  • Pass through the smoke of sage & incense such as sandalwood, lavender and frankincense
  • Place your crystals on a selenite plate for several hours or overnight to recharge them
  • Hold crystals under running water (Certain crystals may become brittle underwater)
  • Place crystals in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours (certain crystals may become brittle in direct sunlight)

Not meant to replace or treat any prescribed medication or clinical diagnosis. Certain crystals may also be water-soluble or sensitive to sunlight and heat.

Sensitivity to crystal energy varies from person to person and is influenced by factors such as intention and openness to the experience.

Estimated delivery time is 7-10 days from the date of order. 

"I attract wealth and opportunities effortlessly"